Preferred Habitat Theory

liquidity preference theory

B) sharply in the near-term and rise later on. C) fall moderately in the near-term and rise later on. D) remain unchanged in the near-term and rise later on. During the Great Depression many businesses failed.


Unbiased expectations theory or pure expectations theory argues that it is investors’ expectations of future interest rates that determine the shape of the interest rate term structure. Under this theory, forward rates are determined solely by expected future spot rates. This means that long-term interest rates are an unbiased predictor of future expected short-term rates.

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Because interest rates change with the economy, yield curves can serve as rough economic indicators. Because central banks usually lower short-term interest rates to stimulate the economy, short-term interest rates are lower than long-term interest rates during an economic expansion, yielding a normal yield curve. When interest rates decline, the value of long-term debt will increase, because bond prices and yields are inversely proportional. When the prices of long-term debt are bid down enough, then the flat yield curve changes to an inverted or descending yield curve.

term rates

The level of demand and supply is influenced by the current interest rates and expected future interest rates. The movement in supply and demand for bonds of various maturities causes a change in bond prices. Since bond prices affect yields, an upward movement in the prices of bonds will lead to a downward movement in the yield of the bonds. Similar to the liquidity theory, the preferred habitat theory states that the yield curve is a reflection of the expected movements in future interest rates and risk premium. Though this theory doesn’t support the idea of raising risk premium for longer maturity terms. This theory states that there are no exact substitutes for short-term and long-term bonds interest rates.

The theory argues that forward rates also reflect a liquidity premium to compensate investors for exposure to interest rate risk. This liquidity premium is said to be positively related to maturity. The preferred habitat theory states that bond market investors demonstrate a preference for investment timeframes, and such preference dictates the slope of the term structure.

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C) liquidity premium theory of the term structure. D) the inverted yield curve theory of the term structure. According to the expectations hypothesis, if future interest rates are expected to rise, then the yield curve slopes upward, with longer term bonds paying higher yields. However, if future interest rates are expected to decline, then this will cause long-term bonds to have lower yields than short-term bonds, resulting in an inverted yield curve. According to the liquidity premium theory of the term structure, a downward sloping yield curve indicates that short-term interest rates are expected to A) rise in the future. B) constant short-term interest rates in the near future and further out in the future.

The of the yield curve provides an estimate of expected interest rate fluctuations in the future and the level of economic activity. The inverted U-shaped yield curve in the figure above indicates that the inflation rate is expected to A) remain constant in the near-term and fall later on. C) rise moderately in the near-term and fall later on. Over the next three years, the expected path of 1-year interest rates is 4, 1, and 1 percent.

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Read the first part about forex and the yield curve here. In our previous discussions of both the expectations theory and the market segmentation theory we noted that both fail to explain some observed phenomena in the market satisfactorily. The preferred habitat theory is a combination, a synthesis of the those two theories created in order to explain the interest rate- maturity term relationship.

The curve only becomes inverted for maturities exceeding 1 year. Liquidity preference theory is also a type of Expectations Theory. However, it assumes that investors have a liking for short-term bonds more than for long-term bonds. This is because uncertainty is more with the long-term bonds, and they are also less liquid. And, if investors go for a long-term bond, they demand a premium for the extra risk.

Investment timeframes

The opposite of this phenomenon is theorized when current rates are low and investors expect that rates will increase in the long term. If current interest rates are high, investors expect interest rates to drop in the future. For this reason, the demand for long-term bonds will increase since investors will want to lock in the current prevalent higher rates on their investments. Since bond issuers attempt to borrow funds from investors at the lowest cost of borrowing possible, they will reduce the supply of these high-interest-bearing bonds. If the yield curve is sloping downward, short interest rates are expected to fall. Usually, interest rates and time to maturity are positively related.

  • Expectations theory attempts to predict what short-term interest rateswill be in the future based on current long-term interest rates.
  • Bond investors prefer a certain segment of the market in their transactions based on term structure or the yield curve and will typically not opt for a long-term debt instrument over a short-term bond with the same interest rate.
  • This theory explains that investors’ preferences may vary depending on the level of risk they are comfortable with.
  • The yield curve is a direct result of the market segmentation theory.
  • Everything else held constant, the interest rate on municipal bonds rises relative to the interest rate on Treasury securities when A) income tax rates are lowered.
  • This theory is similar to the previous theory. RiskLiquidity risk refers to ‘Cash Crunch’ for a temporary or short-term period and such situations are generally detrimental to any business or profit-making organization. Consequently, the business house ends up with negative working capital in most of the cases. Preferred Habitat Theory is an example of a term used in the field of economics (Bonds – Fixed Income Essentials).

D) The coupon payment on municipal bonds is usually higher than the coupon payment on Treasury bonds. Corporate bonds are not as liquid as government bonds because A) fewer corporate bonds for any one corporation are traded, making them more costly to sell. B) the corporate bond rating must be calculated each time they are traded. C) corporate bonds are not callable.

Market segmentation theory is one of the essential theories in marketing. Businesses need to understand and target specific market segments to increase profits. The term structure of interest rates eventually is only a predicted estimation that might not always be accurate, but it has hardly ever fallen out of place. These were some of the main theories dictating the shape of a yield curve, but this list is not exhaustive. Theories like Keynesian economic theory and substitutability theory have also been proposed. They can choose to invest in bonds outside their general preference also if they are appropriately compensated for their risk exposure.


Instead, the shape of the yield curve is solely determined by the preference of borrowers and lenders. The yield curve at any maturity simply depends on the supply and demand for loans at that maturity. The yield at each maturity is independent of the yields at other maturities. The preferred habitat theory expands on the expectation theory by saying that bond investors care about both maturity and return. It suggests that short-term yields will almost always be lower than long-term yields due to an added premium needed to entice bond investors to purchase not only longer-term bonds but bonds outside of their maturity preference.

Provide immediate benefits, while long-term investments involve current and future benefits trade-offs. It is one of the most widely accepted theories in finance and is used by market participants to make investment decisions. The model predicts that the price difference is due to the difference in the preferred habitat for the two types of markets. The theory was developed by economistsFranco Modigliani and Richard Sutchin 1966 and is used to explain the observed price discrepancies between different types of securities. As their name implies, held-to-maturity securities are purchased with the intent of holding them until their maturity date.

In Preferred Habitat Theory, however, the focus is not on the consumer as it is on where they live. People are divided into groups based on where they live and the different types of people that live in each place. As a result, preferred Habitat Theory segments are usually much smaller than market segments because the locations are specific, for example, ‘people who live in rural areas. Market segmentation theory divides people into different groups based on their demographic factors, lifestyle, activity, etc.


However, advocates of the market segmentation theory suggest that examining a traditional yield curve covering all maturity lengths is a fruitless endeavor because short-term rates are not predictive of long-term rates. Even though the liquidity preference theory explains the normal yield curve, it does not offer any guidance on why inverted or flat yield curves exist. An inverted yield curve predicts that short-term interest rates A) are expected to rise in the future.

Preferred Habitat Theory

The market segmentation theory explains the yield curve in terms of supply and demand within the individual segments. Securities in the debt market can be ordered into three segments — short-term, intermediate-term, and long-term debt. At the point when these term maturities are plotted against their matching yields, the yield curve is shown. The movement looking like the yield curve is impacted by a number of factors including investor demand and supply of the debt securities.

In short, market segmentation theory is a market strategy that divides markets into groups based on demographics, activities, and characteristics. Marketers can then learn more about their products and consumers to determine the right marketing mix for them, including media channels and advertising messages. Although this strategy has many benefits, marketers should avoid its drawbacks. Knowing how interest rates might change in the future, investors are able to make informed decisions.

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Businesses can then target these specific segments with marketing programs tailored to their needs. Financial IntermediariesA financial intermediary refers to a third-party, forming environment for conducting financial transactions between different parties. Capital LossCapital Loss is a loss when the value of the consideration received from the result of the transfer of capital assets is less than the aggregate value of the cost of acquisition & cost of the improvement. In simpler words, it can be stated as the loss derived from the transfer of capital assets.