Top 5 Important SEO Trends to Follow in 2021

What could be a better way to attract traffic to your online platform in groups than SEO? It is a dynamic sphere and new developments continue to appear every other day. Keeping yourself on the top-notch rank of the game can be quite difficult and thus, it is important to always keep yourself up to date for this. You see, with the passing of each year, there could also be witnessed some key trends and marketing innovations in the SEO field. And evaluating new trends, technology, and platforms here, can help marketers discover new opportunities for agile businesses and to take advantage of these trends.

1. Artificial Intelligence will have an increased role in SEO :

AI has brought a lot of change in the way the people interact with the internet, and Google’s algorithms are just added to it. So, you need to make sure your CTRs and screen stay time to perform best to stay at the top of the SERPs. Relevant content that is useful and well organized is most significant in this step. What measures do the firms take, become the decisive factor as to whether their marketing strategy will effectively build more profit to them or not. Being an online firm, AI can not just help in maximizing the reach while also providing ample opportunities for customization.

 2. Upgrade your content as per the EAT standard :

Marketers keep monitoring the core updates and EAT, in this respect is expected to be the ruling trend in 2021. EAT also known as Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness (or Page Quality) actually decides the quality of your content on these parameters. Also looking at opportunities from structured data and the SERPs features (or the Search Engine Result Page), the role of EAT principle is going to be more crucial in the SEO service this year. 

Meanwhile, digital marketing firms are recognizing the importance of EAT as they move gradually towards the aura of advanced technologies such as Machine Learning and AI. These simply work on certain algorithms that demand a high relevance to the context of its content which is a major subset of EAT principle. Though there are numerous advantages EAT can offer in the field of SEO; what has probably harnessed the most out of it is the high ranking in search engines.

3. Long form content is going to trend in 2021 :

You will agree to the point that COVID-19 has changed the way of data consumption. And the long form content thereby, is the new trend observed. Thus, you must make sure that the content is of high-quality. After all, the users will only stay engaged if the information is engaging and worth sharing. Since SEO aims at increasing the organic traffic toward your business, it also ends up augmenting your social media followers. This is definitely a big yes to keeping the content format slightly lengthy. After all, every business wants that organic traffic diverted to their websites. 

So, here is a 3 step guide on how you can achieve such quality of content –

  • Splitting up the content into H2 and H3 subheadings so as to make it more scannable. This works best for mobile websites.
  • By linking the content to the authoritative sources.
  • By making your content easy to share by including links at the heading and the conclusion, since these two are the most visited spaces.

4. Featured snippets will probably be more important than ever!

Now, with the fine-tuning of 2020 Google algorithm, this year the focal point is going to be on the structured form of data. This clearly means, the more organized is the information; easier it is for the consumers to navigate through your website.

Snippets are the kinds of featured boxes that appear on the top of a Search Engine Result Page (or the SERP) that again is shown through search engines all because of structured data. That is where exactly the role of SEO services will become more crucial in 2021. This means that if the structured data markup is labeled effectively, the chances to gain the snippet for the website positively increases. 

Coming back to the structured data’s influence on the SEO, this kind of data helps Google to understand the context of the entire content. On a broader scale, it means employing a special markup on the webpage just to furnish extra details of the content.

5. Voice search is going to be an inevitable feature even in the upcoming years

Google’s Assistant, Amazon’s Alexa and Apple’s Siri have increased the importance of voice search manifold. To believe the report by Juniper Research, it says- nearly 55% of the homes in the US are going to have a smart speaker by the year 2022.

Gear up the voice search by adopting the following tips –

  • Select the right keywords by identifying long phrases that people use in everyday conversations
  • Try to include longer and more natural sounding phrasing

This could be simplified by an instance as- while talking, we prefer “what are the symptoms of diabetes?” which gets abbreviated to just “diabetes symptoms” while typing the search query. Thus, voice search here can be made longer as it saves time in contrast to typing.

So, if your business is ready to adopt these trends of SEO service in 2021, it is sure to come down with quite decent response from the customers’ end. By then, stay safe and enjoy the most out of this year!