Top Video Marketing Trends In 2021 To Look Forward

With the evolving internet trends, the world has also seen video marketing trends growing leaps and bounds. In addition, new technologies have paved the way for more engaging video formats such as 360-degree experiences, ad hoc videos, and shoppable videos, among various other categories. All thanks to the corresponding social media marketing service that has definitely impacted these video marketing trends.

From the rise of interactive video and new video formats to changing customer expectations and increasing use of marketing platforms, we have embarked on some key advancement so as to provide a quick view on how to optimize your video marketing campaigns.
Let’s start with the above mentioned, interactive video format:

1. The most approached upcoming trend- interactive video
One of the new trends to tackle the modern problem is an interactive video. In the end, with the advent of augmented and virtual reality technologies, creating interactive types of videos is easier than ever. Nearly a quarter of video marketers have started using interactive video as a channel. Experts predict that this figure will rise to 50% by the end of 2019, which was simultaneously integrated in every digital marketing service.

2. Vlogging for Brand Recognition
Often, individuals use video blogs or video blogs to document their daily lives, share expertise, show their talents, or simply express themselves. However, in recent years, we have seen celebrities and micro-influencers take advantage of it to interact with the fan base. Similarly, we have seen several brands follow suit.

3. 360-degree video experience
Videos are great for visualizing what your brand has to offer to your customers. On contrary to the photos posted, videos allow viewers to see a product or service in action. Moreover, platforms like Instagram even supports zooming of that very video, which definitely is a big thumbs up to marketers to use this feature.
However, if you want to showcase your products and services, you can choose something more immersive, such as a 360-degree video.

4. Videos in stories
Yes, we are talking about the social media “story” that is automatically deleted 24 hours after being posts. This often includes text-based posts and photos. No wonder, why every social media marketing service is hitting hard on this strategy is simply its wide access to every platform.
However, given that videos are becoming more and more popular, you should expect more people to use them for this format. This is sure to catch the viewers’ attention.

5. Longer video ads
Despite the common tendency that they are annoying, engaging video content can rather turn the picture upside down.
In a study by Digital Content Next, it was found that 40% of all online ads launched from 2018 to 2019 had an average of 15 seconds. 0-5 second ads only made up 3% of the total online ads during the research period.
\You can conclude that long video ads won’t be retired anytime soon. It may also thrive as more interesting and interactive types of video formats emerge.