graphql Is there a way to do frontend web development with rust?

Tauri apps currently use tao as a window handling library on macOS and Windows, and gtk on Linux. Depending on the priorities of your project, many web frameworks can assist you in meeting your most urgent development needs. We will talk primarily about frameworks created with Rust in this article. From some of the videos by Microsoft, I understand that the AOT compilation will improve the performance of Blazor apps and may also reduce the download size. Or I could be wrong, as I was distracted by my delicious ramen while watching them.

Both Emscripten and Rust depend on logs, logging/console APIs. Blazor has a better story at the moment with some very early support for “Step and Resume” in C# codes on Chrome through Remote Debugging. One thing I know for sure will change in the future is the support for full Static Ahead of Time compilation for Blazor (or more specifically mono-wasm). We can probably apply Progressive Web App capabilities, a separate concept, to Blazor so that we can download the core part and subsequently load other pages “lazily”.

The Percy Library

If Rust for backend and frontend development were the bread in a sandwich, this section is the succulent, flavor-packed filling. Prepare your taste buds for a tour-de-force of Rust’s full-stack capabilities. There’s Diesel, an ORM and query builder that’s all about safe, efficient database interaction. Diesel’s focus on zero-cost abstractions and compile-time checks ensures that your interactions with the database are as smooth as a well-oiled machine. It’s as though you’re having a direct, real-time chat with your database without any risk of miscommunication. There’s cargo for managing your projects and dependencies , rocket for writing web applications, and serde for serializing and deserializing data .

  • It minimizes DOM API calls for each page render to achieve great efficiency, and it makes it simple to offload processing to background web workers.
  • To use Sycamore, you’ll need a recent version of Rust—the wasm32-unknown-unknown target.
  • You could of course, just write only pure JavaScript with no frameworks — however, whether that’s something that can be advised is a different matter entirely.
  • His writing focuses on topics related to Go, Rust, Web3, data, and backend engineering.

As WebAssembly is a low-level binary bytecode, it supports compilation from different programming languages. This enables many existing and commonly used libraries or applications to be compiled into WebAssembly easily. WebAssembly has been natively supported by all major browsers including Firefox, Chrome, Safari and Edge since 2007.


It allows you to write Rust code and transpile your Rust code to WASM, which can run on any device with WASM support. Yew is interoperable with JavaScript , and the framework provides a macro for interacting with HTML elements with Rust, like JSX in React. Sycamore is a fast, ergonomic, and intuitive SolidJS-like reactive framework. You can use it to build web applications in Rust that leverage the power of WebAssembly. Sycamore provides most of the functionality you’ll need to create a web app frontend in Rust, so you won’t need to write JavaScript. You need a versatile actor who can play a diverse range of roles, and Rust is the Meryl Streep of programming languages.

rust for FrontEnd Development

Since Sycamore is new, it will be risky to use the main branch library in production, except if you resort to an earlier release. Supports JavaScript interoperability, allowing developers to leverage NPM packages and integrate with existing JavaScript applications. Yew is a modern Rust framework for creating multi-threaded front-end web apps with WebAssembly.

current community

It is more of letting you know the download size of the WebAssembly modules generated by different tools. As of recent times, WebAssembly based frameworks are released and announced at a rapid pace. We think the following are mature enough for your considerations. I was lucky to be involved in an evaluation of WebAssembly for an in-house web frontend project. The project basically involves an Admin Dashboard where a user logs in to monitor what is going on, looks at some sales charts and orders activities.

rust for FrontEnd Development

Dioxus is a lightweight, quick, and practical Rust framework for creating cross-platform user interfaces. Webapps, desktop apps, static sites, mobile apps, TUI apps, liveview apps, and other types of apps can all be delivered using Dioxus. Dioxus can be used as a platform for any renderer because it is completely renderer agnostic. The most complete web frameworks offer libraries that handle databases, templating, sessions, migration, and other tools to speed up the development process. Simpler frameworks place a greater emphasis on frontend management for rendering static information.

The MoonZoon Toolkit

We’ll put together a dedicated team of developers with the relevant skill sets. If you need, you can quickly scale your team up or down according to necessity. Gain end-to-end visibility of every business transaction and see how each layer of your software stack affects your customer experience. In contrast, it offers fewer capabilities out of the box, so if you want to complete more complicated tasks, you’ll generally need to use another framework. Actix is an excellent option, nevertheless, if you’re looking for a quick, secure, and simple framework for Rustlang basic web development.

If we want to achieve the most efficient O way of diffing state, we would require a reactivity system similar to the ones used by Vue and Svelte. Effects need references to state to do some computation, and state needs references to effects to inform them to re-compute. Existing front-end frameworks like Yew and Seed adopt The Elm Architecture , which is a top-to-bottom, tree-like way of managing components and state.

You May Have Interacted With WebAssembly

As the application grows bigger, state management becomes more cumbersome and less efficient. The more recent sentiment in the JavaScript community is that Redux should not be in charge of all states. You can render these into DOM elements in the frontend or use them for operations in the backend of your application.

rust for FrontEnd Development

Additionally, the WebAssembly Interface Types specification is not finalized, which means we can only communicate with JavaScript via binary at the moment. To use the tool, you can check out the markdown files in the docs folder via the project’s GitHub repository. Percy is still very new, and although the library is not production ready, the project is very popular, with over two thousand stars on Github. WebAssembly is a portable, low-level binary code format that runs on modern browsers, just like JavaScript does. You can transpile most program source code down to WebAssembly and run it on the browser with or without JavaScript. This chunk of code sends a request from the frontend to the backend and handles the response.