7 Signs You Found the Perfect Sponsor

We may have hurt the ones we love, do things we are ashamed of, and caused harm to ourselves. Although you may have gotten substance abuse treatment and are… If you are looking for a sponsor or need help with a drug or alcohol addiction, Hired Power is here to connect you with resources and information. The journey to recovery is best engaged with others. Call us to find out how we can help connect you.

sponsor sponsee relationship

In the same vein, your recovery sponsor is not responsible for providing you with therapy. They aren’t a trained psychologist, psychiatrist, or counsellor. Even if they are, their role as your sponsor is not within the scope of their national institute on alcohol abuse and alcoholism niaaa work as a therapist. Generally, a recovery sponsor’s job isn’t to advise you. It’s to allow you to explore recovery, while providing you with mentorship and guidance using each of the 12 steps as a foundation for your journey.

Corporate sponsorship as an image platform: understanding the roles of relationship fit and sponsor–sponsee similarity

Just as you might still see your old coworkers from time to time, you may find that you and your former sponsor want to get together for a cup of coffee now and again. And of course, you are likely to see each other at 12-Step meetings. There’s no reason you can’t be casual acquaintances or even good friends after sponsorship ends.

  • International Journal of Research in Marketing, 15, 249–268.
  • A sponsor has completed each of the 12 steps in its entirety, and has applied the principles of the programme to their life to remain sober.
  • People who are not able to control their emotions usually find the recovery journey almost impossible.
  • We ask you to give a minimum of 60 minutes of your time once a month to your Sponsor who is taking time out to invest in you.

This may require flexibility on both your parts in order to find what works best for your relationship. If your prospective sponsor’s calendar is too busy, or he can’t accommodate your alcohol toxicity and withdrawal schedule, it may be best to keep looking for someone else. If a sponsor feels overloaded, they may not be as patient as you’d desire or able to give you the attention you deserve.

Shifting to romance also introduces additional dependence vulnerability to a relationship that is already volatile enough. In this article, we will explore the question of dating an AA sponsor, particularly with an emphasis on whether or not this is an acceptable practice and the challenges involved. We ask you to give a minimum of 60 minutes of your time once a month to your Sponsor who is taking time out to invest in you. That time invested will ensure a more successful relationship.

Does the Therapeutic Alliance Work By Increasing Self-Efficacy?

As mentioned above, every sponsor needs a thorough understanding of the 12-step recovery process. At Casa Palmera, our goal is to aid you in a comprehensive spiritual, physical, and emotional recovery. We offer treatment for chemical dependencies such as cocaine addiction, drug addiction and alcoholism. It is extremely important to us that you receive the highest quality medical care from our qualified staff during your stay. My experience at Casa Palmera rescued me from a very dark time in my life. My expectations were consistently exceeded by the expertise of the staff, the content of the program, and the overall respect and care I was treated with.

How can I be an effective sponsor?

  1. Seek out information on issues of diversity, inclusion, and leadership.
  2. Identify underrepresented employees who demonstrate initiative, motivation, and are self-directed.
  3. Remember that what worked for you may not work for your protégés.

Balance, sobriety, health and a mindful approach for a lasting recovery. Sunrisehouse.com needs to review the security of your connection before proceeding. The effects of sequential introduction of brand extensions. A process-tracing study of brand extension evaluation. Regardless of what you call it, having support in recovery truly makes a world of difference. You can learn so much from someone who has been where you are right now.

How to Find the “Good” 12-Step Meetings

If someone does decline being your sponsor, try your best to not take it personally. There are many people who would love to help you, but may simply not have the time at that time. It is better to have someone decline being your sponsor who can’t dedicate time to you, than have someone agree to be your sponsor who is then unavailable for you. Your sponsor is there to provide you with accountability. Early recovery is a deeply challenging and complicated time. You may struggle with truly knowing what’s best for you, and may find yourself having trouble making decisions.

What are three benefits for the sponsor?

  • It increases visibility for the company and its brand.
  • It allows businesses to aim for a specific demographic of sales.
  • It improves a company's reputation for success and refinement.
  • It generates sales leads.

You can work together to help them formulate some clear, measurable career goals which will form the main focus for most discussions. Your experience, network and advocacy will underpin the main reasons for the relationship. If your prospective sponsor already has a lot of sponsees, they may not have enough time to properly support you. In other words, they should be much further along in their recovery than you. They should also have a passion for sponsorship.

Consumer responses to corporate social responsibility initiatives. The world of recovery offers many options for peer support. To ask someone to be your sponsor, all you have to do is, well, ask!

Sorry Seems to Be the Hardest Word

If you used daily for 10 years, part of your brain is still processing that you aren’t doing that anymore, and it just happens to come out at night. Recovery from alcohol addiction is no easy affair. Luckily, there are programs out there like the Alcoholics Anonymous initiative that continues to help addicts in their recovery journey. There isn’t always a perfect match so the focus is on making the best one realistically possible. Sponsoring is about being able to champion and support your career progression in an impactful way. However, it’s also about connection, and if you believe that this particular Sponsor is not the best match for you as a Sponsee it is better to decide that now.

Ideally, you want a sponsor who can increase your knowledge of the recovery program’s goals, and who can lend his expertise and experiences to serve as a guide through your sobriety. Some organizations suggest that people should be sober for at least a year before becoming sponsors. In addition to a substantial legacy of sobriety, prospective sponsors should be actively involved in the program you are in. Keep an eye out for someone who volunteers in different roles during meetings, who speaks with authority about the tenets of the program or has demonstrated experience in working through the 12 steps. The sponsor serves as a valuable resource on what the recovery program is all about and should be able to answer any questions you have .

sponsor sponsee relationship

Nobody will be offended if you decide to decline the match, which you can do in Guider after having had an ‘chemistry’ intro session. They will offer suggestions too given the benefit of their experience but the onus is on you as the participant to maximise the opportunities the relationship offers. The goal of the intro (or ‘chemistry’) session is to get to know your Sponsor and understand if their skills and experience are a relevant match with your goals and ambitions. Use this intro session to get to know them and see if it could lead to a fruitful Sponsoring relationship. Remember, you are not necessarily banishing this person from your life forever.

The Dangers of Dating your Sponsor

People often develop feelings for the people whom they open up to or show great vulnerability towards. Many people have fallen in love with their psychologist or therapist for this reason. The phenomenon is attributed to something called emotional transference and it can apply to negative emotions as well as positive ones. We are dedicated to transforming the despair of addiction into a purposeful life of confidence, self-respect and happiness. We want to give recovering addicts the tools to return to the outside world completely substance-free and successful. Sponsors also support sponsees by providing a personal connection.

Your sponsor will support your ongoing recovery, always. Recovery can be an incredibly isolating experience when you feel like no one understands you. You may feel like the struggles you’re facing are unique.

sponsor sponsee relationship

Three studies test sponsorship effects with respect to blood donation and cancer prevention organizations. This work reveals a counterintuitive effect of similarity for some sponsorship relationships. To learn more about 12-step programs and other addiction treatment options, please contact an Ark Behavioral Health specialist. Our treatment centers offer various forms of evidence-based care, including support groups, mental health counseling, and medical detox. Many 12-step sponsor and sponsee relationships are unique in that the people who come together are bringing individual stories about addiction and recovery. The heart of sponsorship is building trust in a close, safe relationship without judgment or shame.

For example, some of my clients have only participated in sex while they were high, and it was that way for years. Now that they’re sober, they have concerns about arousal, performance and other sexual matters. Honestly, that is standard fare for any addiction therapist.

This is one of the elements that really works in a healthy 12-step community. Validating and normalizing helps people feel heard and not so alone. An easy example that often comes up is that people have dreams about using, but feel worried that this might mean their recovery is in jeopardy. That’s not true at all, so when someone speaks up and admits that they had dreams about using, quite often other members chime in and help them dispel that there is anything wrong with that.

Recovery starts with a single step and continues for a lifetime. Hired Power can be with you every step of the way. Gamblers Anonymous sponsors are more loosely defined in that older more experienced members are encouraged to help others. Support comes in either a group or one-on-one setting.

You might be saying, “Yeah, but being Anonymous is literally in the title of the fellowships.” Yes, it is, but for different reasons than you might expect. The anonymity of the programs is really meant to ensure that the programs themselves don’t get bad reputations. People are welcome in the fellowship, but we are not supposed to advertise should you go back to rehab after a relapse that we are now in AA. The reason for this is that if we relapse, others outside the program may think that the program is not successful, instead of focusing on the individual. Sexual information.Sexual problems are a common consequence of addiction, and sexual behavior during our using days might be very important to work through.

What makes a successful sponsorship?

Staff engagement a really successful sponsorship will work well internally as well as externally. Look for scope for staff incentives, motivational talks or for members of staff to become involved with the sponsored activity. The sponsorship should feature regularly in internal communications.

If that feels uncomfortable, you can get their phone number and ask them through text or over a call. You can also ask them if they’d like to meet for coffee, and there, let them know that you’re looking for a sponsor. You can also let them know why you chose them specifically. Especially if you have your eye on someone you’ve never spoken to before, you may feel uncomfortable approaching them and asking them to essentially guide you through recovery. Whilst the basic text doesn’t refer to a sponsor as such, it does suggest finding someone who you can be completely honest with, yet will be unaffected by your truth.

They will cheer you on as you work through the 12 steps. They’ll offer compassion from a place of experience. So please remember, Anonymity is a duty you carry if you are a member of one of the 12-step fellowships. When someone in recovery is successful, it shows.