10 Tips and Tricks To Optimize The Landing Page For Conversions!

Landing pages are very important when it comes to an effective marketing campaign.

They work on three major areas viz.,

  • boosting conversions,
  • increasing sales, &
  • Encouraging sign ups. 

Sadly, they are a little misinterpreted in digital marketing services and rarely optimized to their full capacity.

So here, we present 10 tips and tricks so as to optimize the landing page for conversions:

  1. Let your URL speak for you!

Your landing page should not be a jumbled letter link. It has a deeper impact on your audience’s mind. For an instance, if you are using your landing page to promote your new website. In that case, frame the URL as:


  1. The goal should be very defined and precise :

Don’t forget the main objective behind creating a landing. In fact, this is not the place to promote other things than that very definite goal.

  1. It’s time to eliminate the distractions :

So now, that your goal is set, there should not be any distracting feature. This could be understood as-if the landing page is specifically designed for promoting an app, the other elements as subscribing or buying should be a big NO here.

  1. A compelling CTA or the Call To Action :

As just talked in the above point, the goal centric CTAs should be the major components of digital marketing services.

Like, if it is about app promotion, the probable CTA would be DOWNLOAD NOW.

  1. Mobile friendly is business friendly :

That is a must have tip. Design your landing page as mobile friendly as you can. After all, a more share of the visitors will access this page via smartphones

  1. People love discounts and offers, why not include them?

Not a hidden fact, add ons are always adorable. It could be just that you need to assure the visitors to sign up or buy your product. A free trial is a good way to start with.

  1. Get into the visitor’s head

Not literally though! This simply means maintaining a good connection with your audience by offering the exact thing they are looking for.

  1. Design consistency

Usually, a visitor has arrived at your landing page through an advertising link. Facebook adverts are often great for funneling people towards a landing page. It is at this point you should keep the images and design as consistent as possible.

  1. Prove your visitors that they are at the right place

It is your liability to wipe out any last worries and get your visitors over the line! A brilliant way to do this job is by attaching social proof. Thus the digital marketing services you are opting for should duly take care of this.

  1. Supplement this page with share buttons

One can get even more returns on their landing page by simply adding up the share buttons. Often, one will spend a little money promoting the landing page; once visitors start swamping in, make it easy for them to share it with their friends.